Power Applications

In the domain of power applications, where precision, reliability, and seamless control are indispensable, our Power Application Solutions serve as the linchpin of operational excellence. We specialize in elevating communication and control systems, facilitating smooth, secure, and efficient power management across diverse applications. Our solutions leverage cutting-edge technology for real-time data exchange, monitoring, and control, optimizing power generation and distribution while ensuring uninterrupted service. From managing grid networks to renewable energy installations, our solutions enhance performance, resource management, and grid resilience. Dive into the innovative world of power applications, where our experience and commitment to excellence are powering the future of energy management.

Power Substation and Distribution

Power Distribution Automation is an important part of today's Smart Grid. Integration and interoperability are essential for grid operational efficiency and system reliability. Smart Grid technologies around the world are helping to reduce power outages & identify the root causes of blackouts and brownouts; improving restoration times and cutting operational costs.

IEC 61850, the global standard for communication in substations, is bringing open, Interoperable, systems, and flexible architectures, to the substation automation domain. Today's power utilities operate more globally and require flexible, future-proof systems to cope with changing requirements, philosophies, and technologies.

IEC61850 Substation Automation Solutions

IEC 61850, the global standard for communication in substations, is bringing open, Interoperable, systems, and flexible architectures, to the substation automation domain. Today's power utilities operate more globally and require flexible, future-proof systems to cope with changing requirements, philosophies, and technologies.


Wind Power Networking Solutions

Wind Farms are gaining attention as an energy source that requires no fuel, produces no pollution, and is virtually inexhaustible. At the end of 2010, worldwide capacity of wind-powered generators was 197 gigawatts (GW).


Solar Power Networking Solution

Solar  farms use semi-conductive components to absorb solar radiation and turn it into electric energy. Solar energy is becoming common in the global energy market because of  its endless storage and low cost. Solar energy is developing quickly around the world and is considered an important part of sustainable development in every country. Solar power stations utilize photovoltaic cells combiner boxes, low-voltage DC cabinets,  inverter cabinets,  low-voltage AC cabinets and step-up transformers.